So close…yet so far away.
Two chapters (and an epilogue) to edit and I am DONE with round two of editing.  Thank God because, I’ll tell you what, I am pretty much sick of reading this novel.  I didn’t realize how sick of it I was, until I got the idea for my next novel.
And now I’m pretty much completely distracted by that.
Along those same lines, I’m slowly (quickly?) running out of creativity for blog posts.  I’m pretty sure part of my problem is blogging so late at night, after editing and working out and all the other randomness I put up with in the evening.  But hey, there’s five more days to go.  If I stop now, it’s like stopping at the finish line.  Or, if you’re like me—the Anti-Jogger—stopping after jogging a minute and a half.  Whatev.
Side note: I don’t know where I picked up this new phrase, “Whatev.”  The Hubs mocks it.  I’m probably at the height of my laziness, seeing as how I can’t even be bothered to fully say “Whatever.”  Whatev.  Use it.  Embrace it.
So, yeah, Chapter 33 here I come.  I was *this close* to bringing my novel to work with me today, so I could edit during my lunch break.  The way my luck has been these days, I figured that would be the day a) the building burned down b) my car finally blows up from a distinct lack of oil changes, or c) I’d sneeze at the wrong time and dump my entire cup of hot tea/coffee/diet Mount Dew all over the carefully edited pages.  The novel stayed home.
It’s on the floor now.
Two more chapters (and an epilogue).  I can do this.