And that’s just about all!
For those keeping score, I’ve written close to 3,000 words this week.  Well…3,000 actually is a generous rounding up of what I actually wrote.  I just did out the math and I’ve written 2,303 words.  Poor start.  Sloooooow start.
That’s okay, this kid’s got her rally socks on.
I’ve been trying to finish my current chapter for like, three days now.  It’s not a lack of motivation that’s stopping me or my patented Heather Hambel Curley Falling Asleep with My Face Smashed in a Couch Cushion delay.  No.  It’s just…not happening for me.  I’m sitting here looking at it; it’s almost there–just not quite.  Just maybe two more paragraphs.  Coincidentally, I’ve been saying that for about two and a half pages.  But, we’re getting there.  Slowly.
In the meantime, I’ve titled Random Contemporary.  I know.  I too was stunned that I managed to figure out a title before I’d even gotten halfway through the book.  This never happens.  I mean, it took The Hubs and I almost two entire days to name The Toddler after he was born.  And we had nine months to prepare for that, it wasn’t like he just showed up unannounced (well, technically he kind of did, because I was only in labor for four total hours and then he just came barreling out).
Anyway.  Drum roll.  Random Contemporary is now, officially:
With Me Now.
I’ll miss referring to it as Random Contemporary.  Because, despite the fact that it’s titled and has a life of its own in it’s total 34,175 words, it’s still pretty random I wrote it at all.  It’s contemporary.  It’s paranormal.  Jeb Stuart isn’t in it at all.  Completely unlike me.  Puzzling.
I’m not sure why–and maybe some of my writer buddies out there can commiserate–but somehow coming up with a title feels like finishing my last final in college.  Phew, at least that’s done.  Because, you know, despite the fact that I’m only almost at the halfway point in the plot, I was beginning to ponder how I’d start to submit it without a legitimate title.  Untitled?  Slap on a random title?  Peddle it as Random Contemporary?  I guess we’ll save that adventure for the next novel.
So, in the end, two things have been accomplished this week:

  • Titled novel
  • Got the Rowdy Boys their flu shots.

And, I bought a ton of delicious Halloween candy 50% off.  That’s not an accomplishment though.  That’s a victory.  Come home with me, Peanut Butter Snickers bar.  You and I were meant for each other.
With Me Now.  Love it!