Book Release Date: With Me Now

This is happening. On June 25, With Me Now is being published!  Yes.  YES.  Remember when With Me Now was just innocent Random Contemporary?  We laughed, we joked, we kidded how this wasn’t a thing and then it was a thing?  Well, no more talk.  This is legit...

Bonanza! And so this happened!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch….. …..So, those of you who have been here awhile might remember a little project called Random Contemporary.  Random Contemporary was a glorious rebellion on my part.  You know, me: the person who once purchased 500 business...

A girl between two novels

I’m like, the silent observer these days. So, here’s what’s been distracting me as of late: The Toddler got a piece of paper stuck in his ear The Toddler got a plastic wrapper stuck in his nose I started writing the sequel to Random Contemporary I...