Meanwhile, back at the ranch…..

…..So, those of you who have been here awhile might remember a little project called Random Contemporary.  Random Contemporary was a glorious rebellion on my part.  You know, me: the person who once purchased 500 business cards that specifically say “Historical Fiction Author.”


contractWell, now I guess I’ll have to slap a sticker on the back that says something like, But wait!  There’s more!  Random Contemporary (Real title: With Me Now) is being published!  I signed a contract with Evernight Publishing and I’m stoked!

Here, you’ll see the actual signing taking place.  Younger Child selected my hat for the occasion.  Pretty jaunty, if you ask me.  Aw, Random Contemporary: the little book that started out as a sarcastic joke and now will be published!  This means that Random Contemporary 2: Son of Contemporary is going to happen.

Unrelated: I’ve been living under a rock for the past, I don’t know, thirty years and just saw Tremors for the first time this week.  What a great movie!  Kevin Bacon, wow.  So imagine my disappointment when Tremors 2 did not include Kevin Bacon.  I fell asleep after thirty-five minutes.

Random Trivia: It may have taken me until 2015 to see Tremors, but I saw Critters in, like, 1987 and didn’t start sleeping with my feet hanging off the bed until recently.  The struggle is real, guys.  I was so petrified of that movie that I wouldn’t even touch the VHS tape.

In other news, I went to Claire’s today.  You know Claire’s, an explosion of pink and sparkles and sequins and glitter and ear-piercing guns and super happy music.  My sponsored child, Fatime, is turning 14 in a few weeks and, despite the fact I turned 14 in 1996, I have a vague recollection of what it’s like to be a teenager.

And then I bought myself earrings and a One Direction t-shirt.  Winning!

The cashier, who I assumed was 19, was ringing up my selections of hair do-dads and trendy (maybe? hopefully?) jewelry and then came to the t-shirt.  “Wow, you put together a great birthday bag, that’s for sure!”

“I’ll be honest,” my mouth said, “the t-shirt is for me. No Shame.”  Ha ha!  I’m a freak!

“Oh.  I don’t like One Direction.”  She pushed her glasses up her nose with one finger.  “I like New Kids on the Block.”

And then this awkward conversation happened where she admitted she was older than me and thought that Donnie Wahlberg was the creepiest creeper that ever creeped in the 90s.

#That moment when old fangirls unite.

So, wow, this summer is shaping up to be a tidy little adventure!  Two books coming out.  Weddings.  The fourth anniversary of my 29th birthday.  One Direction!

Oh, and a diet.  Yippee Skippy.