What’s on tap today?

Welcome to my newest blog feature: On Tap Tuesdays!  Every Tuesday, I’ll be featuring an author, their book, and their beverage of choice.  It’s not necessarily an alcoholic drink; just whatever that particular author likes to drink while writing.  And maybe there will be recipes.  Who knows?!
Here, I’ll go first.

I’ve been trying to drink more water as of late, since rum apparently isn’t adequate hydration for runners.  My current go-to drink while I write and, honestly, just throughout the day is water with lime juice.  Lots of ice.  And usually a cup with a lid because I am clumsy.

Beautiful water nymph posing on rocks
The first time the world ended, she went into hiding.
The second time, she became a fugitive.
When war breaks out between two American political coalitions, witch Wren Richards is forced into hiding. She and her family conceal themselves and their power, living on only what they can grow and create with their own hard work. But then there is a break in the doldrums of normalcy: Wren is sent to fetch supplies in town.
And then the atomic bomb hits. Everything changes. Now Wren isn’t just a witch: she’s a survivor. A slave. A water seeker. A murderer. She and her sister are kidnapped and dragged to another dimension.  As witches, they’ll fetch a higher dollar at auction. Because as witches, energy can be sourced from their souls. The only person who can save Wren is herself.
And she’s just been sold to the highest bidder.
Right now, the e-book version of CLAIMED is just $0.99 on Amazon!  This is unfortunate for me, because when The Hubs and I went to the wine and spirits store, I accidentallyIMG_0154 spent $40 on Irish whiskey.  Clearly, it was being marketed directly at me.  I wasn’t aware manufacturers had started to bottle my Wednesday nights.
Anyway, I saw the bottle, decided it must be mine, and it even had a COUPON on it for two dollars off! Well.  I apparently looked at the wrong price and thought it was like $22.  No.  No, it was $40.  Sigh.
I haven’t opened it yet because I feel like I need to ration it.  Every.  Last.  Drop.
So, what’s on tap with me?  Water and definitely not whiskey, because that’s expensive.
Next week, we’ll have a new author and a new beverage.  In the meantime, my newsletter is revamped and ready to start again.  Woo-hoo!  If you haven’t done so already, you can sign up for my newsletter here.  They’re only going to be sent out once a month, unless something extraordinary happens like, say, Harry Styles and Sebastian Stan battle for my affections.  Clearly, Seb would win.  Anyway, expect those on the 10th of each month.
And as I mentioned before, CLAIMED is now $0.99!  You can snag a copy here.
Other than shameless self promotion and buy whiskey, I haven’t really been up to much this week other than sending the Rowdy Boys back to school (they’re not impressed) and working on promotions (crazy, stupid hard).  In the coming weeks, though, things are getting crazy: a civil war living history at Antietam, Older Son wants to join the Boy Scouts and apparently I’m going with him, a 5K on an airport tarmac, and maybe/possibly/can you imagine me on a CAMPING TRIP.  Lord.  Pass the whiskey; water, you’re on the bench.

Bottoms up!