You know, up until high school, I thought the song title was “Knights in White Satin.”  I was going through a Monty Python phase, so it kind of made sense when I thought about it.  It wasn’t until my mother pointed out, no, in fact it’s “Nights in White Satin” that I figured out what was going on.  Obviously, upon further review this made much more sense.  This didn’t answer why the band was playing at football half time shows, but that’s neither here nor there.
As we round the corner into the first full week of NaNo, I’m pleased with my progress.  As of right now–and there’s still time to write after The Walking Dead is over–I’m standing at over 7,000 words.  Good, yet unsettling, progress.  The Hubs, evidently campaigning for Husband of the Year Award, sent me into the bedroom not once, but twice, today for kid free writing time.  Awesome.  Awesomeness coupled with disappointment, as I spent the last hour staring at the computer screen, puzzled, perplexed, and bewildered by (what turned out to be) the last two lines of chapter two.  The last two lines.  Awful.
But we’re good now.  Chapter one: done.  Chapter two: done.  On to Chapter three.
And in these four days, I’ve discovered I do my best writing tucked in flannel sheets.  This is probably because it’s progressively getting colder and colder in the house, yet not quite cold enough to kick on the heater.  Screw the satin.  In these sub-zero temperatures, I want flannel.  Head to toe flannel.
I’m thinking the majority of what I’ll get accomplished will take place this coming week.  This is due to a few things, namely:
1.  I’m on vacation until the 13th,
2. Thanksgiving is sneaking up on us which means cooking mass quantities of food, and
3. The Baby turns one, which means a party and more food.
Hey, if I don’t write another word after my vacation is over, that’s okay.  I’ve made progress and that’s what counts.  I got some great tips from readers about writing in increments, which I love and am going to work into my daily repertoire.  And maybe, just maybe, now that The Baby is sleeping through the night (victory!) I can start getting up a little earlier.
How’s everyone else doing with their writing?
That’s my update.  A quick weekend of writing (exciting!), taking the Rowdy Boys trick or treating (cold!), a random homeowner potentially pooing themselves while passing out candy (awkward!  Especially when I loudly pondered if it was one of the boys), and crappy football (boring!).  I’m stoked to keep going.  Vacation cannot get here fast enough.