It’s been (somewhat) advertised and passive aggressively threatened (“I’ll show you–I’ll just WRITE for a living!”), but now–only twelve hours later than I originally planned–I’m relaunching MYSELF!
FB banner 2018
I’ve retired The Rambling Jour.  I know.  It’s a bummer.  But I guess I’m not really a “journeyman” anymore and since nobody really got the reference in the first place…yeah, anyway, I’m still The Rambling Jour at heart.  The site, though, is me.  Kind of makes me rethink that whole “I’m not using a pen name” quandary from a few years ago, but here we are.  That’s my name.  I’m cool.  Nice to meet you.
So, what has a gal been doing when she should have been writing, you ask?  Well, hiding from responsibility!  Of course!  And I struggled writing a book for a ridiculous amount finisherof time.  It’s now with the editor, so at least that worked out.  Fitness wise, I’m no longer a 120 pound weakling.  No!  Now I’m a <weighs something> beast with muscle-y, strong legs and feeble, weak little arms.  Yeah, like a T-Rex.  I ran my first half marathon in May!  I try and run at least three times a week now and think about writing while trying not to say, fall in holes or slip in mud.  The picture here is from finishing the half marathon.  That’s Candy, with me, my friend and partner in crime since we were teenagers and fans of N’Sync.  So….like….twenty-one years?  Ehhhh, how did I get this old???
Or, as my Older Son announced to all the Walmart Shoppers in line with us at the register yesterday, “Well, you WERE born in the late 1900s.”
Yes.  Thank you.  I’m part of the Bull Moose Party.


Well, hey, let’s talk about that relaunch!  I sat myself down over the past few weeks, doing some serious graphic design through our friends over at Canva and redesigned the blog!  My FB fan page!  Not you, Twitter.  New banners, new art, new goodies for the site and for FB.  It’s going to be exciting!  Well, at least, I’m excited.
Hot chocolate drink with marshmallowI’ve coincidentally (read purposefully) timed this with a sweet Kindle Unlimited contest through Love Books.  You can check it out by clicking here!  Of note, my novel Claimed is part of the event.  Holy cow, I’ve been spending so much on books recently.  And you should too, because I’m a strong proponent of “there’s no such thing as too many books.”  Case in point: Right now I’m reading three books: a biography of Civil War general and rapscallion Dan Sickles, the novel Spoonbenders, and I just started reading 1984.  Because why not.
And speaking of Claimed….

Coming Soon!

On the home page of my site, we have a new…segment?  Edition (guys, remember New Edition??)?  Anyway, there’s a new section called, Coming Soon.  Which is just what it ComingSoonsounds like!  It’s what’s coming soon from me!
So, right now, in honor of relaunching my site, I’ve got TWO fabulous new things coming soon.  First!  Claimed is coming out in paperback!  Finally!  Freshly edited and gorgeous, it should be going live this Friday, August 3, 2018.  Even if no one else buys it, I am.  And my bestie Sara is.  She might not know it yet, but she is.  And my mom.  So, at least three of us will be buying.  I’ll also be celebrating with pizza because, let’s be honest, pizza gives life.  Any excuse to have pizza is a good excuse for me.
Also coming soon is a freebie.  An “if it’s free, it’s for me” exclusive.  But it’s only for people who sign up to my newsletter.  I know what you’re saying.  I suck at keeping up to date with my newsletter.  I never really know what to say because I post it here.  Usually it’s just a “hey, my new book is coming out and here’s a picture of me doing something weird!”  I’d like to think that my rebooted newsletter is going to be better than that.  I’m still working on it.  And when I say, I’m still working on it, what I mean is that it’s at the very bottom of my list because I’ve piled everything else before it.  I know.  Terrible.  Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides should spank me.
Whhhhhaaaaaaat???  Where did that come from???
Anyway, the aforementioned freebie is no longer a free short story, but it’s a full length novella.  Well, it will be, once it comes back from the editor.  So that’s a big COMING SOON!  Hang in there.  I’ll get it together.
So, hey, welcome back, friends!  It’s been a long time coming but it’s time to get real.  Get started.  Again.
At least I write faster than I run.
Stay tuned for more updates!  There is just so much more to come!!!