So, the first submission is a rejection.
Therefore, the slogan of today is:

Accept failure as part of the process.

The one thing I am curious to is: was it the writing or the query that was bad?  Or was it “good” and just “not good enough?”  Alas, that’s the rules of the game, apparently.  You never get to find out!
So, whatever.  I’m coping with chocolate frosted butter cake because, not surprisingly, I’m actually quite bummed about this.  And because you can’t go wrong with anything that has “chocolate” and “butter” in the title.
So today I’m a failure.  It’s kind of like that time I failed at being a vegetarian.  I decided I wanted to go vegetarian because I read Toxin by Robin Cook and was convinced I was going to get trichinosis or e-coli or whatever.  I ended my relationship with all things meat.
Now, I don’t mind gardenburgers.  I don’t mind soy or tofu either.  But I had to draw the line at vegan hot dogs.  The vegan hot dogs tasted like dirty feet smell, and oddly had a cheesy after taste.  Which was disconcerting.
Bit by bit I started missing red meat.  And then I started feeding myself falsities:  “You can still be a vegetarian and eat fish.  Well.  Fish and turkey.  Because turkey is white meat.  And chicken.  That’s white too.  Well…you might as well stop being a vegetarian and just say you don’t eat red meat.  No red meat because that’s where the e-coli is hiding.”
And then, one fateful day in November, after almost ten months as a faux-vegetarian, my mother-in-law made a pan of seven layer dip.  Seven layer dip with delicious, taco seasoned, beefy goodness.  Without going into the unladylike details, The Hubs, his brother, his brother’s girlfriend, and I ate the entire pan in one evening.  The entire 9×13 pan.  Okay, so there may have been beer involved.  Actually, I didn’t like beer at the time so it was probably more like mass quantities of wine coolers (Jamaican Me Happy, anyone?) for me.
And thus ended my vegetarianism.
So today I’m the failed vegetarian of attempted publishing.  And that’s okay.  Tomorrow I’ll go back to being hopeful and positive or whatever, but today I’m going to drown my sorrows in chocolate frosted butter cake and be all bummed and fragile.  We all get one of those days.  But hey, the first one is over and done with and boom.  The next one won’t be as bad.
But we’ll just go ahead and say the next one is “that bad” to come up with a decent excuse for cake.  Ha, like I really need a valid excuse to eat cake.