By now you may have noticed one of the major things standing in the way of my writing is me. Followed by me being in Gettysburg. And trumped by Life handing me a to do list and saying, “Boo ya.”
I took a week long writing seminar last week on how to better organize oneself and focus on writing. Making plans. Budgeting out time. Rewarding oneself for writing goals met. So, I looked at my Monday through Friday Schedule. Here’s a run down of how I roll during the work week:
5:45am – Wake up and get dressed. Apply eyeliner.
6:00am – Eat bowl of cereal and drink coffee.
6:20am – Make lunch of PB&J and yogurt. Pack lunch.
6:30am – Leave house.
7:00am – Arrive at work. Commence working.
9:00am – Snack.
9:02am – Recommence working.
11:30am – Lunch. Dessert.
12:00pm – Back to work.
2:30pm – Snack.
3:30pm – Leave work.
4:00pm – Arrive at home.
4:01pm – Wrangle Maniac Children while cooking.
5:00pm – Dinner.
6:00ish – Time with Maniac Children.
7:30pm – The Baby goes to bed. Hopefully.
9:30pm – The Toddler goes to bed. Hopefully.
10:00 through 11:30pm – Remaining time to talk to The Hubs, shower, relax. Maybe write. Usually fall asleep on couch.
Everyday. Every single day.
I obviously like snacking. So, I can pencil in lots of time to snack but there’s not a lot of time to work in writing on a Monday through Friday basis. Unless I get up earlier. This has been considered.
Saturday and Sunday are grocery shopping and family days. I find it hard to sacrifice time from The Boys to hole up in the bedroom to write, especially when they both peep under the door and say, “Hi Momma!”
So….I have no idea.
Okay, so that’s not entirely true. Option A is of course get up earlier. Stay up later.
Option B is to squeeze it in between the tight schedule above using the same mind set as, “There’s always room for jello.” Thirty minutes at lunch. Time between saying, “I’m not that tired” and actually falling asleep. This happened Friday. I may or may not have drooled on The Hubs’ arm.
My goal is three pages a day Monday through Friday. I’ve given no thought to weekends at this point, since they are wild card. Very little snacking happens on weekends, too. Related? Probably. My two favorite things: Snacks and writing.
This past weekend I had delusions of grandeur to write while driving to Gettysburg. To pull over and write while in Gettysburg. I talked about writing. I talked about blogging. I demanded The Hubs take my picture on Barlow’s Knoll:

And then my picture with General Barlow’s monument, because we all know how I feel about him:

The Hubs and I then somehow got into a twenty minute debate with each other over US Army facial hair regulations prewar/during the Civil War and how the Confederacy must have snubbed such regulations. We’re weird. And obviously made for each other because: wow. Go back and read that sentence again.
And in other news, I buckled down and finally started baking for Christmas since, you know, it’s next week and all. Despite my rampant snacking, I’m wary of baking too much since I’m in my bestie’s wedding and ordered a SIZE 0 maid of honor gown, effectively scaring the poop out of me and resulting in ongoing panic said dress won’t fit. Should they happen, I’ll be wearing a corset. I’m a Hambel. I’m cheap. I’m not going to pay for your dress alterations, dress shop. No. I’ll just cinch in and breathe shallow. Take. That.
So, yeah, that said I made chocolate covered pretzels with plans to make Rolo stuffed sugar cookies, fudge York Peppermint Patty cookies, and egg nog cake this weekend.
Corset here I come.