In a stunning display of time management, I blew my previously heralded deadline of “finishing Random Contemporary by the end of the month” out of the water and finished it Sunday night.  Here’s what I’ve been doing since then: light editing and sleeping.  I stayed up until after midnight Friday, 2:30am Saturday and 12:30am Sunday to crank out almost one hundred pages.

The Stats:

  • 317 pages
  • Twenty-six chapters
  • 91,466 words

And I dropped the F bomb 46 times.  Eeeesh.

Soooo, here we are!  Back to the editing game, the one where I discover instances of typing “crotch” instead of “couch” or find out I named a character one thing in Chapter Three and then ended up calling them something different in Chapter Eighteen.  Good times.  I’m particularly interested to read through and see what kind of bundles of chaos I left myself.  I had a nasty habit of falling asleep when I was writing.  For example, during my marathon writing weekend, I fell asleep on Friday and woke up to find I’d been typing about warm hugs.  Yeah, so, it’ll be interesting.

Meanwhile, a girl’s thoughts turn to what next writing project will tickle her fancy.  I’m at a crossroads of what I want to write, which is never good, but I’ve narrowed it down to my previously started Edwardian novel: picking up where I left off, finishing it up and editing (boom).  I don’t have a ton written, maybe fifty pages or so, but I had a lot plotted out in my head.  So, yeah, no guarantee I’m going to remember three plot points from that.

Or, option two, is the sequel to Random Contemporary.  Yes.  I adore the characters too much to just leave them where I left them, doing what they were doing.  Dropping the F Bomb, you know.  Anyhow, I have a vague idea of a plot for the sequel.  Nowhere near as detailed as what I’ve got for the historical.

So, I’ve got no clue.  Historical or Random Contemporary II?  Here’s what most likely going to happen: I’ll work on editing Random Contemporary.  Then, while my beta readers are reading it, I’ll hop between Old Historical and Random Contemporary II.  Let the muse decide.

It sounds like a really good plan as I go back and reread that last paragraph.  Here’s hoping my productivity lasts longer than just getting up and making a sandwich.  Momentum, guys!  Gotta stick with the momentum!