Yes and–evidently I need more sleep.

As a child, I routinely slept in until 11:00 in the morning.  It’s not that I stayed up late, I just liked me some sleep.  When I became a parent four years ago, this thing called sleep became like a Sasquatch: elusive.  Mysterious.  Rumored.  But never...

A girl between two novels

I’m like, the silent observer these days. So, here’s what’s been distracting me as of late: The Toddler got a piece of paper stuck in his ear The Toddler got a plastic wrapper stuck in his nose I started writing the sequel to Random Contemporary I...

Just like me when I was pregnant, we’re at 200!

Yeah, when I was pregnant with The Preschooler, I gained a horrific amount of weight and tipped the scales at 200 pounds.  When I got to the hospital, the first thing they made me do was get on a scale which…I don’t know, seemed somewhat unfair.  Hey, your...

Take that, Productivity! Random Contemporary is finished!

In a stunning display of time management, I blew my previously heralded deadline of “finishing Random Contemporary by the end of the month” out of the water and finished it Sunday night.  Here’s what I’ve been doing since then: light editing...