About Heather Hambel Curley

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About Heather

Heather Hambel Curley is a USAToday Bestselling author, runner, and tattoo enthusiast from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She’s surprised to find out that her 30s weren’t nearly as bad as she thought they’d be, despite very little sleep and a lot of responsibilities. When not writing, she spends her time trying not to get trampled by her two energetic sons and masquerading as a competent adult.  She does have a full time day job, which is rather serious, and in the past has worked as a volunteer with the National Park Service, a sales rep, a proxy tabulator temporary worker, and a Sears cashier–none of which were particularly serious.


She writes both paranormal and urban fantasy, sometimes with a tinge of horror.  Her heroines are sassy, classy, and a little smart ass-y; and they definitely have a penchant for sarcasm and scowling bad boys.  You’ll meet a brand new archeologist running into trouble on her first dig; an insurance rep about to quit her job to chase adventure–and ghosts; an underwater salvager; an apocalypse survivor; and a corseted, Victorian ghost hunter.  None of these ladies are afraid of adventure!


When she’s not writing, Heather loves to travel and listen to true crime podcasts.  Her house is currently run by a sassy bearded dragon named Ziggy and a pitbull named Ghost.

Heather loves to connect with readers!  You can follow her at the social media listed above and below, or fill out the form to send her a message.

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