So, Heather, what did you get out of 2020? Fat. I got fat.

I also got my money’s worth out of my utilities, my rent, and Netflix/Prime/Disney+. The couches aren’t looking so great, but I’m going to attribute that to my children leaping from couch to couch and they’re like, 15 years old (the couches, not the children). But boy did I watch a lot of Hamilton.

Hamilton on Disney+: The gift we all needed from 2020.

Anyway, so, now that we’re eighteen days into the New Year and are all adequately stressed, I’ve actually taken the time to write out my goals in my yearly planner–which hopefully gets more use this year than it did last year–and THEY say that you have to write out your goals to make them serious. And if THEY say it, it must be true.

Fancy Goals for 2021 that Totally Aren’t the Same Goals from 2020, Just Written Down

  1. Blog more. As you can see from the stunning lack of achievement in the archive section, I didn’t blog much in 2020. I also didn’t do much in 2020. I stopped a lot of things, though: going to the grocery store, running, leaving the house at all, etc. Well forget that! This year, my goal is to blog on a weekly basis, specifically, on Wednesdays (cough cough, except for today, cough cough). DO IT!
  2. Revamp my newsletter. My newsletter is a hot mess (coincidentally, just like me!). But THEY say that one of the best ways to get the word out about a writer’s writerness is through a newsletter. So, let’s try that. Humor segments? Scary stories? Books deals? Shameless self promotion? Maybe just pictures and the adventures of my bearded dragon (PS-I have a bearded dragon). What do YOU look for in an author newsletter? How soon is too soon to start talking about serial killers and scary stories?
  3. Publish a minimum of four books this year. I’m happy to report my next novel is in the final stages of editing, plus I have three new series in the works. In fact, those three series? The first book of EACH series is already 100% plotted out. SO DO IT, HEATHER!
  4. Hike a minimum of 100 miles. Clearly this is outside my writing goals, but ya gal fell off the old running wagon because my running trail got too congested with all the other people who weren’t going places anymore. So, The Hubs and I started to hike. Lengthy hikes. Hikes up a mountain. Hikes with masks. Hikes where it was literally just us on top of the mountain so we just carried our masks. This year, maybe, we’ll be able to hike in new, exciting places. Or new, boring places, look, I don’t really care. I would just be happy to see something other than the same dang mountain.
  5. Drink more water. This one is probably hopeless.
  6. Read More. I know, I know. I should read more. Writers should be readers. I just can’t figure out how to adequately manage my time to squeeze in everything I do. I mean, other than quit my day job, because that would free up a lot of time. If you’re interested in my NOW READ THIS sets, with my current 5 books to read, check out my Facebook Page. I made a graphic for it and everything! Set One is now up. And, hey, look you’re just in time. I haven’t started reading any of them either.
  7. Get in Shape, Girl! It has come to my attention that I celebrated the ninth anniversary of my 29th birthday in 2020. And, thanks to pandemic, the DMV used my LAST driver’s license photo for my new one. For the next four years, I’m still 34. Sweet! Unfortunately, I’m an Old and I need to work on fitness/nutrition/makeup/something. On Monday, I started a new workout program (The 100 on Beachbody on Demand if you want to join me) and it didn’t go well. Younger Son was firing off burpees and mountain climbers and was all bendy and flexible. I was like, “What do you MEAN it’s not time for a thirty second break????”

Well, my planner is in the other room, but seven seems like a good number to stick with. I think I have more. Anyway, coincidentally, the main character in my next novel is named Seven. You’ll get to meet her soon!

So, 2021. Here we are. It’s a bit like a new shoe. Personally, I’m still sitting around thinking, “Yeah, the 80s were like, 20 years ago.” And then I think again and am like, “No, wait.” Un-freaking-settling.

Anyway. New Year, New Pants. Something like that.